Saturday, January 12, 2008

What are you thinking?

It came to my attention in group skate class the other day, that one of my students had been given remote control roller skates for Christmas. What do you say to that? How do you not beat the crap out of a parent who just desperately wants her child to win? I can't even look at this mother, I mean do you know how hard the other kids work to build up good Quads and Hamstrings? As I peered into the balcony to find the mother, whom obviously had the controls, I was flabbergasted by her response. She acted surprised, yet pleased. Osta baby, your out of my class.


Winder said...

The remote control skates are no different than people like Marion using steroids. Cheating is cheating no if's, and's, or but's. Well, some butts you need those muscles to perform. I am happy to see you standing up for what is right and kicking the student out!

rabidrunner said...

I especially like how you capitalicizitized Hamstrings and Quadricepts. Brilliant.

Lois said...

Group skating lessons? Do they exist? There's a whole segment of society I'm missing out on! I love skating! Yes, I stink at it, but I love it. Too fun!!!