Monday, January 21, 2008

Come on America let's think this through.

I found this picture fascinating...let's make sure we think through this next election.


Lois said...

They look like Ted Kaczynski and Squeaky Fromm. SCARY!!!

rabidrunner said...

Come on now... let's not judge a book (or politician) by it's cover.

Although a picture does say a thousand words....


I am actually impressed by the auntenic way in which they carry every piece of time with them. However, there is something wrong with Hill in those glasses...oh and America putting a couple in the Presidency. It just seems wrong to me, Let us elect their children next!

rabidrunner said...

Seriously! Chelsey in 2028!

The MacMizzles said...
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Winder said...

All I can say about this photo is WOW! Where did you find it?